"Other-Centered Fruit"

This is the second part of a series on the fruit of the Spirit.  In this sermon which focuses on “patience, kindness and goodness,” John explains how the Holy Spirit working in the life of the believer allows us to treat other people the way God expects us to treat them.  Click here to watch.

"Fruit Expressed to Others"

This is the third and final part of a series on the fruit of the Spirit.  This sermon focuses on “faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”.  John explains how these qualities reflect Who Jesus was when He walked on earth…and how we reflect Him when we allow the Spirit to be building these qualities in our lives.  

Click here to watch.

​"Same Lord…Same Church…New Day”
The sermon helped the church realize their new pastor would bring a new vision, energy and style of ministry.  
Click here to watch.

"Friendships are Part of God's Plan"

This sermon is based on the book Achieving High Performance Friendship by Dr. Jim Wetherbe and John.  The sermon is a challenge for us to evaluate our friendships based on the teaching and example of Jesus Christ.   Click here to watch.

​​"The Essentials of Pastoral Leadership"

I was honored to do 24 lectures on "The Essentials of Pastoral Leadership" for Trinity Video Seminary, an internet seminary.  The lectures are being translated into Spanish, Russian and Hindi for the seminary.    Click here for a link to the Lectures page to watch the videos.

"Anger…The Not-So-Subtle Sin"

This is part of a series called, “Conflicted: Resolving The Tensions That Pull Us Apart”.  In this sermon John explains the difference among anger, rage and malice and explains how we wrongly express anger…and how the Holy Spirit wants to work in our lives.  Click here to watch.

​​"Parting Words: A Look Inside The Heart of Christ"

Jesus gives us a great lesson when He prayed, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” as He was being crucified.  This sermon explains what He experienced up to that moment and how His words can be of help to us.  Click here to watch.

“Choices…Trust God…or, Be Angry”
This sermon was part of a series on “Choices.”  In this sermon two friends are highlighted: one who lost his daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren in a traffic accident and the other who lost both legs mid-calf to medical malpractice.  Both friends forgave and live positive, helpful lives today.  The issue of “Choices” is to decide to walk with Christ every day.  Click here to watch.

"Growing up God's Way"

This sermon is intended to help us all understand how God wants us to grow into conformity to Christ...but under His power not ours.  Growing is our responsibility but He gives us His tools to grow.  The sermon is based on 2 Peter 1.  Click here to watch.

More of John’s sermons can be found at

These two sermons are John’s introductory sermons at a church where he served as interim pastor.  The sermons underline some Biblical principles he believes are important for any church to review from time to time.

​                  "Jesus' Profound Principles”                         Click here to watch.

                  ​"Unity of the Spirit"                                           Click here to watch.

These three sermons are a series on the Fruit of the Spirit.  They were delivered to help a church as it began the process of looking for a new lead pastor.

​                "The Spiritual Fruit Basket" - part 1             Click here to watch.

​​​                "The Spiritual Fruit Basket" - part 2            Click here to watch.

                "The Spiritual Fruit Basket" - part 3             Click here to watch.