one is always on board…or, in agreement with the vision and direction of the church.  As pastors and leaders, we care for people and want them to grow.  But, sadly, sometimes we have to confront people and even discipline them if they grow divisive.  This is not a fun part of leadership but it is a necessary part.

When the dust settles, it is very rewarding to look in retrospect to see what God has done through the pastor and leader who has helped a church move forward.  This progress is always empowered by the Holy Spirit; it always encompasses vision, energy and focus.

I find it a privilege to walk alongside pastors and board members who are convinced God has more He wants to do through their churches and them. 

​​​My Journey
I have degrees from the University of Oregon, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Bethel Seminary.  After 10 years of ministry with Campus Crusade (including 3 years as the Northwest Area Director) I entered pastoral ministry.  My senior pastorates were in the suburbs of Minneapolis where we grew from 200 to 1000 and Tempe, AZ where we served 2000 people.  Along my journey I also have had the privilege of serving as president of both Western Seminary and Phoenix Seminary.  My wife and I reside in Wilsonville, Oregon.

In 1999 I formed You’re Not Alone, Inc. to help pastors and Christian workers whose kids abuse alcohol and other drugs. We developed a daily radio program that was/is heard on over 390 stations.  The website was very helpful to the 20,000 visitors a year. Recently, these resources were given to Lighthouse Network and can be accessed at

I have had the privilege of consulting churches as well as serving as Strategic Interim Senior Pastor at eight churches ranging in size from 200 to 2500.

​​My Emphasis and Focus
My emphasis has always been two-fold…Leadership and Vision.  Leadership always depends on leader development, overcoming hindrances to leadership (both internal and external), knowing oneself as a leader and being smart and strategic in using one’s resources.  Vision always depends on clarity of thought, understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in setting and fulfilling vision, realizing the stages of developing and fulfilling a vision and recognizing that vision includes the ingredients of motivation, mobilization and stabilization.

My Passion and Experience

Wherever I have been privileged to lead I have focused on helping the church or organization to rethink the “Why?” question.  Why are we here?  What are we supposed to do?  Are we doing it?  Could we do it better?  What are we doing that we are not supposed to be doing?

As a consultant and strategic interim senior pastor I have had the privilege of helping churches focus on those "why  questions."  Unfortunately,  not  every-